Meet Michala

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John Calvitti

NJ & PA Sales Agent | REALTOR®

Meet John

John Calvitti is beginning his career as a REALTOR® and member of the Costello Lamb Team. John got his real estate license a year ago and since then he has quickly become a knowledgeable agent and realtor. His past 15 years living in Philadelphia has allowed him to build a unique clientele and community throughout the city. Originally from Colorado, John loves camping in the mountains and he is also an avid sea kayaker. He studied history at Colorado State University.

John has years of experience in property management and spent over a decade working in bar management. The skills he learned in both management positions easily relate to similar skills required for real estate. Within property management, John focused on summer rentals at the Jersey Shore and plans to apply his knowledge of New Jersey real estate to his work in Philadelphia as well. Some areas of specialty for John are the Germantown, Mt.Airy, and Chestnut Hill neighborhoods of Philadelphia, as well as Stone Harbor, New Jersey. Throughout these regions, John is known for his communication, availability, patience, and local market knowledge.

His experience in multiple fields of work has helped him to build relationships and understand the importance of investing in real estate. He realized through his travel and business ventures that real estate can provide great stability and assurance, which he heavily values and hopes his clients' value as well. John’s favorite aspect of real estate is being able to help people reach their personal goals of home ownership and through that process watch them accomplish their personal goals.

John's Favorites

Favorite Brewery

Attic Brewery

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Favorite Walking Path

Historic Rittenhouse Town

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Favorite Kayaking Spot

Stone Harbor

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Favorite Park

Wissahickon Valley Park

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